Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Week in Review...

So, it's been a while since I posted, and that's because life has been crazy. To recap since my last posting:

Tuesday - Drove home from the beach in a light drizzle, found out that my cousins home in San Diego is safe, found out that my great-aunt passed away, and worked.

Wednesday - Went to work in the rain, then went to the doctor's, then came home and caught up on .... work!

Thursday - Went to work in the rain, had a fantastic meeting with Kathy and Deborah, and then went to play with the CUTEST baby under a month old south of the mason-dixon line, Lilah Rose. She was SO cute (way to go Jenna and Jason!)

Friday - Went to work in the rain (sense a theme?), caught up on some stuff, then drove down to DC to meet Debbie and Beth for the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. (It's a Broadway show, its touring, and its HYSTERICAL!)

Saturday -Wait for it - I went to work in the rain. Yup, on a Saturday morning. We had an open house in Shady Grove. Not a whole lot of students showed up. Probably because of the before-mentioned rain. Which FINALLY stopped around 12pm. Last night I went to a Halloween party at Russell's, had a fantastic time, of course, and then drove home and promptly fell asleep.

Today, Sunday, I'm up, drinking coffee, it isn't raining, and I have work to do. Anyone sensing a theme here?

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