Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The California Fires hit too close to home...

You may think that the fires in California are devestating, and you would be right. It's unbelieveably scary to think the extent to which there has been destruction, disrupt, environmental disaster, and heartbreak.

Unfortunately, it just hit home. My mother sent an email informing us that cousins of ours, who live in San Diego, are certain they have lost both their home and their business. I couldn't even imagine watching your life burn to the ground, to face the prospect of having to start over (and they aren't young - they have two kids in college.).

A depressing, depressing day. And I fear it just won't get better....

[An update: My cousins are now unsure of their home. A change in the direction of the wind may have prevented the fire from moving in that direction. Further information as I have it.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The most important thing is that they are ok! Material things can be replaced...lives can't!